localg.a.p. is a brand of capacity-building tools, specifically designed for agricultural supply chains in developing economies and emerging markets. By offering pared-down versions of IFA (through the Primary Farm Assurance (PFA) standard) and a small number of customized assessment solutions, localg.a.p. aims to help small-scale and emerging producers adopt responsible farming practices that can improve the efficiency of farm management, cut exposure to food safety risks, and simplify compliance with legislation on food safety. Through these stepwise improvements, producers can gain increased access to local and regional markets.
Countries where localg.a.p. assessments took place in 2022:
- South Africa
- Guatemala
- Argentina
- Nigeria
- Portugal
- Netherlands
- Israel
- West Bank – Israel
- Germany
About Primary Farm Assurance
The localg.a.p. brand offers the PFA standard. The PFA control points and compliance criteria are a subset of the IFA requirements and are available at different levels. Producers can therefore start at the lowest level and progress to higher levels when they are ready. The intention is to progress toward better practices at a realistic pace.
How is PFA different from IFA?
Primary Farm Assurance
- Assessment – compliant producers receive a letter of conformance.
- Producers receive a localg.a.p. Number (LGN).
- Producers must comply with a subset of IFA requirements.
- Assessments can be conducted by PFA-approved CBs or verification bodies.
- The program targets local markets and capacity building.
Integrated Farm Assurance
- Certification – compliant producers receive a certificate.
- Producers receive a GLOBALG.A.P. Number (GGN).
- There is one level that includes the full set of requirements.
- Audits can only be conducted by CBs that have been approved by GLOBALG.A.P. for the relevant scope/sub-scope.
- The standard is internationally recognized and GFSI-benchmarked.
localg.a.p. assessed producers over the years (2015-2022)
Producers wishing to receive a letter of conformance first enter the system (become “accepted” for the scheme and register with a GLOBALG.A.P. identification number – an LGN in this case) and are then assessed at a later date.
The number of producers accepted and assessed to localg.a.p. schemes fluctuates heavily, due to producers progressing through the program and moving on to GLOBALG.A.P. IFA certification when appropriate.
Number of assessed localg.a.p. producers 2022