Add-ons are checklists containing further requirements on specific topics which are also to be demonstrated during farm audits. Designed for specific aspects of production and the supply chain, tailored add-ons can be combined with our standards to extend the certification scope.
The GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice (GRASP) is a farm-level social management tool for global supply chains.
It covers four major topics of social responsibility: workers’ voice, human and labor rights information, human and labor rights indicators, and child and young worker protection.
Hover over each year to see the exact number.
*2021 saw the imposition of travel restrictions which resulted in shortages of migrant workers. These shortages are reflected in the GRASP numbers for that year.
Growth of GRASP
Hover over each year to see the exact number.
GRASP around the world
New GRASP NIGs in 2021:
There are 72 National Interpretation Guidelines (NIGs) for GRASP, including 7 new ones for 2021.
- Lithuania
- Nicaragua
- Sao Tomé and Principe
- Serbia
- Thailand
- Tanzania
- Zambia
The Sustainable Program for Irrigation and Groundwater Use (SPRING) is a farm-level add-on for responsible water management.
Applicable to the Integrated Farm Assurance standard for plants, the checklist contains a wide range of criteria addressing water use and extraction rates,
the protection of water sources, and the impact of producers on sustainable watershed management.
The NON-GM/“Ohne GenTechnik” add-on addresses rising consumer concerns regarding the use of genetically modified organisms in the food industry.
Applicable to GLOBALG.A.P. certified feed manufacturers, aquaculture and livestock producers, and supply chain operators such as processors,
the add-on contains three modules that are tailored to specific aspects of the production process.
The TR4 Biosecurity Add-on for Bananas aims to counter the imminent threat of the tropical race 4 disease (Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense, or Foc) to the global banana industry.
The farm-level assessment provides producers with a risk mitigation plan to prevent the introduction and/or further spread of the TR4 pathogen to, within, and from farms with GLOBALG.A.P. certification.
The Food Safety Modernization Act – Produce Safety Rule (FSMA-PSR) add-on addresses the specific requirements
of the United States Food and Drug Administration for the production, handling, and import of food products.
Applicable to producers based in or exporting to the United States, the add-on supports compliance with FSMA
and is designed to be paired with the Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) standard for fruit and vegetables.
The Impact-Driven Approach to Sustainability (IDA) is a system for helping flower and ornamentals producers
collect, process, and store their environmental sustainability data.
The add-on is in line with Floriculture Sustainability Initiative requirements for the digital registration of environmental metrics
and is also available as a standalone foundation solution for those not certified to the GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance standard.
IDA requires time for producers to adapt and begin entering data for a minimum of 3 months before the audit process. As of 31 May 2022, 19 producers have been assessed in 3 countries. See our IT systems update for more information.
The GLOBALG.A.P. Secretariat also works with a range of industry stakeholders to provide privately owned farm assurance services, such as tailor-made add-ons which may be combined with a GLOBALG.A.P. standard, or implementation services for third-party standards.
Farm assurance as a service covers approximately 28,000 producers in more than 60 countries.
If you are interested in collaborating with GLOBALG.A.P. on a private service, please contact